Our Church

Who We Are

Lions Gate Baptist Church is a family of individuals that have found hope in Jesus. For the past 18 years, our purpose has been the same — to simply love God and love others. The heartbeat of our church is to show others how meaningful life is through a relationship with God! Every week, we are committed to discovering what the Bible says, and how it can impact us to live a life that is pleasing to Him and helpful to our community. The hope God brings is something we just cannot keep to ourselves – we want everyone to know of God’s love for them. Our doors are always open for you and we would love to meet you! 

What Can I Expect?

As you walk into the door, we will have someone greet you and help you find a seat. Feel free to introduce yourself and let us know you’re new – we can’t wait to meet you! Before and after the service, there is always hot coffee and snacks available downstairs, we’d love for you to help yourself to the refreshments!

A typical Sunday service lasts around an hour, the main service beginning at 3:00 pm. Once the service starts, we always prioritize a time to worship God through uplifiting songs. There will also be an opportunity for us to give through an offering, but you are not obligated to participate! This is just how we choose to give to the Lord. 

However, the highlight of every church service is the preaching. Our Pastor preaches an inspiring message every week that he has carefully been prayed over and studied. Through the preaching, we are able to grow closer to God and gain truths to take home with us as we live our day to day lives. 

What about my kids?

We want church to be a good experience for everyone! Like the adults, children and teenagers learn more about God from His Word every week. There is something for everyone! Our teachers are passionate about reaching the next generation for Christ and want to love on your children. 

Nursery | Birth - 3 years

You can expect your baby to be taken care of in a safe and loving environment, provided by our nursery workers. We want you to have peace of mind as you attend the worship service so you can focus on the message. Let us know if you have any concerns we need to make a note of before signing your baby in! Our workers would love to help in any way they can to help both you and your baby. 

Junior Classes | Preschool - Grade 7

Our Coast Kids program is specifically designed to reach kids with truths from the Bible. Through our classes ranging for children of all ages, we provide Biblical lessons tailored to your child – making the Bible come alive in the lives of each student. In every class, we enjoy memorizing Scripture, singing songs and having fun learning about God together. Each child seen as a blessing in our controlled and  exciting environment. 

Teenagers | Grade 8 - Grade 12

Lions Gate Youth meets every Wednesday evening and has regular events carefully intended for teenagers to grow and connect on a daily basis. The youth staff are passionate about seeing the upcoming generation of adults come to know God and discover His unique plan for their lives. Our workers understand that teenagers face many different challenges in this day and age. We are committed to providing answers from the Bible to life’s tough questions and desire to give tools that can help teens make the right choices! 

Time and Location

We meet every Sunday at 2pm (Sunday School) and 3pm for our main service. Our new building is located at 185 Keith Road E in North Vancouver.  Parking is available at the back.

Let Us Know You Are Coming!

Please fill out this quick form below to let us know about your next planned visit! We would love for the opportunity to meet you in person!